Installing and getting started#


WSInfer supports Python 3.8+ and has been tested on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

WSInfer can be installed using pip or conda. WSInfer will install PyTorch automatically if it is not installed, but this may not install GPU-enabled PyTorch even if a GPU is available. For this reason, install PyTorch before installing WSInfer.

Install PyTorch first#

Please see PyTorch’s installation instructions for help installing PyTorch. The installation instructions differ based on your operating system and choice of pip or conda. Thankfully, the instructions provided by PyTorch also install the appropriate version of CUDA. We refrain from including code examples of installation commands because these commands can change over time. Please refer to PyTorch’s installation instructions for the most up-to-date instructions.

You will need a new-enough driver for your NVIDIA GPU. Please see this version compatibility table for the minimum versions required for different CUDA versions.

To test whether PyTorch can detect your GPU, check that this code snippet prints True

python -c 'import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())'

If your GPU is not available but you have a GPU, you can test if you installed a GPU-enabled PyTorch

python -c 'import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)'

If that command does not print a version string (e.g., 11.7, 12.1), then you probably installed a CPU-only PyTorch. Re-install PyTorch with CUDA support.

Another thing to test is that the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is set. I (Jakub) have mine set to “0” because I have one GPU on my machine. If it is set to something other than “0”, then PyTorch will not be able to detect the GPU.

Install WSInfer#

WSInfer can be installed with pip or conda (from conda-forge). In both cases, you get the wsinfer command line tool and Python package.


To install the latest stable version of WSInfer, use

python -m pip install wsinfer

To check the installation, type

wsinfer --help

To install the latest unstable version of WSInfer, use

python -m pip install git+


To install the latest stable version of WSInfer with conda, use

conda install -c conda-forge wsinfer

If you use mamba, replace conda install with mamba install.

To check the installation, type

wsinfer --help


Clone the GitHub repository and install the package in editable mode with the dev extras

git clone
cd wsinfer
python -m pip install --editable .[dev]
pre-commit install

We use pre-commit to automatically run various checks during git commit.

Supported slide backends#

WSInfer supports two backends for reading whole slide images: OpenSlide and TiffSlide. When you install WSInfer, TiffSlide is also installed. To install OpenSlide, install the compiled OpenSlide library and the Python package openslide-python. To choose the backend on the command line, use wsinfer --backend=tiffslide ... or wsinfer --backend=openslide .... In a Python script, use wsinfer.wsi.set_backend.


See for available Docker images. These Docker images can be used with Docker, Apptainer, or Singularity.


docker pull kaczmarj/wsinfer


apptainer pull docker://kaczmarj/wsinfer


singularity pull docker://kaczmarj/wsinfer


Clone the repository from SBU-BMI/wsinfer and install it in editable mode.

git clone
cd wsinfer
python -m pip install --editable .[dev,openslide]
wsinfer --help

Getting started#

The wsinfer command line program is the main interface to WSInfer. Use the --help flag to show more information.

wsinfer --help

To list the available trained models:

wsinfer-zoo ls

To run inference on whole slide images:

wsinfer run --wsi-dir slides/ --results-dir results/ --model breast-tumor-resnet34.tcga-brca

To convert model outputs to GeoJSON, for example to view in QuPath:

wsinfer togeojson results/ model-outputs-geojson/